Erica Glessing: Transforming Stories, Transforming Lives Erica Glessing believes that when you tell your story, you change the world. A third generation book publisher and CEO of Happy Publishing LLC, Erica has published more than 225 authors to #1 bestseller. She works with would-be authors on writing; would be published-authors on publishing, and would-be bestselling authors on bestselling and marketing campaigns. Join Erica Glessing and discover how the magic of storytelling can transform your business and your life.

Monday Oct 23, 2023
The Erica Glessing Show #708 Feat. Travis Sago ”Mojo Millions”
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Travis Sago teaches wealth like no other. You can catch up with him on his FB group "Million Dollar Offer Mojo." He has made a name for himself in the internet marketing field as one of the pioneers of marketing online - starting in the relationship space. His latest brainchild is the way of the Ronin, a path Erica is aligned with and learning about as we speak.

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
The Erica Glessing Show Feat. Matt Kahn #707 ”Whatever Arises, Love That”
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Spiritual Sundays on The Erica Glessing Show means tapping into the love. The love that is here, for you, right now, no matter what you've done or what you have not done. Here's a lovely taste of the wisdom of spiritual author Matt Kahn. Truly a gift to the universe, his messages ring true.

Saturday Oct 21, 2023
The Erica Glessing Show #706 ”Climb Out of the Rut”
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
To uplevel is disruptive. So uncomfortable. Nothing fits anymore. Your old ways don't match your new conciousness. Here's some insight into how to navigate exponential upleveling in an intimate conversation with Erica Glessing on a Skyrocket Saturday.
If you are ready to skyrocket your podcast, or create a new show from scratch, send Erica a note at Producer@IconicPodcasts.com.
Here is the full transcript:
00:13 -
So hello, hello, hello, welcome to. Saturdays are for Sky Rocketing on the Erica Gleasing Show. I'm undergoing a massive transformation. I've been around the block a few times right, and when there's a big up level going on, it's quite disruptive. There's a lot of dust. Have you ever noticed? In construction sites there's a lot of dust. So when you're in the midst of a massive transformation or up level, it's a bit disconcerting, would be one way to put it. And essentially what happens is you come to an awareness that there's more that you haven't been asking for and there's more that you haven't been receiving. And it's not really like anything's particularly horrible about anything. It's more like there are oceans I didn't see.
I remember this one story from my kids were in elementary school and I took an orange and I put pictures on each side of it and I showed different kids different parts, I have three kids. I showed different kids different bits of it and they were all arguing like, hey, this orange has a lot of words on it. And then hey, this orange has a lot of spots on it and hey, this orange has a lot of stripes on it, and basically it's the same orange, but I only let them see little bits of it, and I kind of perceive that when we up level, we are suddenly seen parts of the orange that we weren't either allowing ourselves to see or it was too much work to see. And then there's another coach, Mike Stott was his name and he's a real estate coach and he coached me for six months and what he talked about and it's just kind of a vague memory because this was like in 2004. But it had to do with being on a track.
When you're on a Jeep and you're driving and you've driven this road a lot, and so it's pretty rutted and your Jeep knows exactly what to do. You know you leave the door, you get in your Jeep and then you go on your track and because it's rained and dry and rained and dry, and now your track is so rutted and your Jeep is so comfortable on this rutted track because it knows exactly what to do, it knows exactly where to go, it's just, it can almost go into autopilot, it's so easy. And then suddenly you bump off the track and you're like I want to go somewhere new and your Jeep's like I don't know how to go somewhere new. I don't want to do that and you're like, yeah, but look, I found this new place. I want to go check it out. And now the road isn't rutted and that's kind of what my life feels like today.
I'll just turn this over to you now and ask you to have a little introspection and ask yourself you know, what would up leveling look like in your life? Is there somewhere you'd like to go that you have not been? Is there some where or some way you'd like to change how you do things? Right? What's your, what's your seven figure self? What are the things that keep you up at night when the income is all flowing in right? What are the things that you look at improving when you're already, you know, when you've already hit so many of the things you came here on the planet to do? And I guess what I'm being shown is that there are still those who would benefit if my light shines brighter. There are those who will benefit when your light shines brighter, when you do more to help others on the planet. Whoo yeah, and that's really the opportunity that that I'm on right now.
So I'm looking for amazing guests for this show. If you'd know someone who you would like me to invite to guests on the show, go ahead and send me a quick note. It's Producer@IconicPodcasts.com. I'm looking for guests who will wake us up to our own brilliance, who will help us rediscover that which is that which we are, that which we cannot not be, that gift that we have for the planet that has been sitting under the dirt. You know, maybe we lived with someone who was mean to us and we need to break free from that, speaking from my own damn self right. One of my other teachers oh man, I, he was so good, his name is Steve I'll try to think of his last name. Steve Sadlier. He taught meditation and he said that which you are seeking is seeking you.
So, as you shift into a higher degree of consciousness and a higher degree of awareness, as you reach out to people that you might be nervous to reach out to, and invite them on the show, oh my gosh, I have some amazing guests lined up. I have lined up Seriously One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, fourteen new guests are coming on the show in the next couple of weeks. They're just amazing. I'm stunned with their beauty and I'm so excited to interview them and see what they can bring to our collective consciousness on the planet at this time, because clearly the planet is calling for it. So, as you look at skyrocketing and expanding and exponential expansion shifting into all that you are, shifting into your beauty. Just know that you're not alone. You're not on this alone. You've got others you can reach out to and hold hands with and join forces with. And I just want to encourage you at this moment, whatever you are, to just reach a little bit more, just reach a little bit taller, just reach a little bit further.
And one thing that's fun you can go and find podcast episodes of people that turn you up and turn you on and you can share them with others on your social. It can be as simple as that. I built this one thing and I'll just share it with you. It's now got 55,000 fans. It's called https://Facebook.com/happinessquotations. I put reels up there of people like Oprah and really inspirational women and it's almost all women. I'm pretty sure I didn't put any inspirational guys up there, sorry guys. So you can go there Facebookcom slash happiness quotations and look at those reels and just get a jolt of something that might light you up today. And I encourage you to stand in your own light and be solid in your own gifts.
And then one last thing that I always do to shift upwards is to list gratitudes, list gratitudes. You can't be an expansion and contraction at the same time. So when you're in expansion, you're listing your gratitudes, and you're grateful for your toes and you're grateful for your nose and I'm grateful for you for listening to me, and you're grateful for your friends and you're grateful for your kitties and you're grateful for your chair that you're sitting in. It doesn't have to be huge, overwhelming successes. You can be grateful for little, tiny, little nudges in the direction that you've been seeking.
So if you've been thinking about starting your own podcast, I've got some gifts over at iconicpodcasts.com. One of the gifts I'm building right now should be ready in a few days is the list of the 40 outlets where you can submit your podcast once you have one, and this will allow your podcast to be heard on Amazon music and Google podcasts and Apple podcasts and the big player in the house that stepped up, Spotify, and, of course, you can hear this show in all those places and I encourage you to share this show with one friend today. Please share the show with one friend. Just pick one friend and say you know what I wonder if you've been needing to hear this. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. This is Erica Glessing. On a skyrocketing Saturday, tomorrow I'm airing Matt Kahn. Whatever rises, love that. Then on Monday, it's another one of my mentors, Travis Sago, and he's just brilliant. I adore his work. It's a more money Monday, and yeah, so keep coming back, thanks.

Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
In the rare space of speaking truth to power, Denise shares how to deal with abuse. The narcissist has a pattern. We so often don't see it. The frog is in the water and the temperature keeps turning up and suddently it is boiled. This is a raw, gutsy episode where expert Denise Kavaliauskas and the host share stories of how they were in abusive relationships and got the H*** out. It wasn't easy. Denise is in the trenches, working with women who need her help, every day. For you, she shares a gift ticket to her upcoming masterclass, in honor of October Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
The "Win at Divorcing a Narcissist" Masterclass is coming soon. Here is the link:
Code for FREE Ticket is WADOCT2023
Complimentary e-Book:
Denise is the author of the #1 international bestseller "Empower the Woman Within," published by Erica's company, Happy Publishing LLC:

Thursday Oct 19, 2023
The Erica Glessing Show Feat. Ricky Williams #704 ”Changing the Game to Healing”
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Imagine stepping into the shoes of a retired NFL player - the constant thrum of past injuries aching in your bones, coupled with the soul-searching that comes with shifting from a high-flying career to a quiet life of healing. This is the reality for our guest, Ricky Williams, who joins us today to discuss his remarkable transformation from an athlete who treated his body rough to a health-conscious individual nurturing his well-being.
Today's episode was brought to you by https://TheTrueGame.org

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
The Erica Glessing Show Feat. Justin Woltering #703 ”Mind Over Muscle”
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
The mindset of a healthy physique with stunning Justin Woltering, a bodybuilder with a beautiful message to share. Podcast host Erica Glessing jumps right into a juicy conversation with Justin. If you like this one, you might also love Erica's first interview with Justin when her show was just being born!

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
The Erica Glessing Show Feat. Susan Guthrie #702 ”Work from Anywhere”
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
How to change your business & work fully remote. Game-changing tips from illustrious attorney Susan Guthrie and her podcast "Divorce and Beyond." Susan's podcast succeeded beyond belief, to the point where she doesn't have to go into the courtroom anymore. Except by choice.

Monday Oct 16, 2023
The Erica Glessing Show Feat. Jessica Riverson #701 ”Mo’ Money Goddess”
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Join Jessica Riverson and Erica Glessing for a captivating conversation. Jessica Riverson is a female powerhouse in the world of entrepreneurship and a tireless advocate for women in business. In our exploration of her inspiring journey, we uncover the driving forces behind her success. Jessica shares candidly about the burnout triggered by the traditional masculine model of success and the transformative power of embracing her true feminine energy. This enlightening discussion provides valuable insights into aligning personal truth with professional development, a journey that Jessica believes has revolutionised her life and business.

Sunday Oct 15, 2023
The Erica Glessing Show Feat. Bridget Flynn # 700 ”How to Love”
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Bridget Flynn on the powerful connectivity to source, divine love and all that is.
In this episode she shares how to be connected to love! In her business, Divine Organizing, Bridget helps families de-clutter and downsize or to create a drool-worthy closet or an empowering, on-brand home office. She transforms homes through beauty and systems. Behind her organizational gifts, Bridget is an intuitive with amazing powers and she shares her insight on LOVE with Erica in today's reprise from the Love Is summit.
Go here for more Bridget: https://BridgetFlynn.com

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Writing Books that Profit Feat. Rob Kosberg on The Erica Glessing Show #7010
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Rob Kosberg teaches writers and publishes authors, and he's got a gift for helping authors profit from their works. If you're interested in making money writing about your passion, he could be a great resource for you. Read his book "Publish, Promote, Profit" here!
Here's more about his book:
In Publish. Promote. Profit. you'll learn:
- Why your book is your greatest source of credibility and authority -- and also the least expensive way a potential client can enter your world
- The secret benefits of creating a bestselling book (it's not just for book sales!)
- How you can grow your business in ways nothing else has been able to do and get into new markets that may have been unavailable to you in the past
- What you must do if you want to RELAUNCH your book if at first, it didn't sell well
- What you can do if you don't have enough money to market and advertise
- How to create compelling content, get your content into the hands of your ideal client, and build yourself a platform and legacy
- How to position yourself as the 'hunted' (which means no more client-hunting!)
- A simple system that, if done consistently, will produce as many speaking engagements as you could ever want
- The secrets to creating your book title and your subtitle (and your subtitle's real purpose)
- The 4 reasons people may not have bought from you in the past (and what to do about it now)
- The 5 secrets to a book cover that attracts your perfect audience, and the book description that helps them find your book
- The secret tool that shows you how to create chapter content that will make your audience beg for more. (If you're stuck, you'll learn how to get unstuck.)
- The Pre-Launch Strategy that gets other websites to promote your book for free and bring you extra traffic
- Real-life examples and case studies of how consultants, coaches, entrepreneurs, and authors use their books to generate an endless flow of leads, clients, speaking opportunities, and media. (Also, the more opportunities you get, the choosier you can get.)
- Resources, helpful links, success stories, and expert tips to help you succeed
You'll never have a greater tool than your own book to create the authority and credibility you need, gain more exposure and more clients, and accomplish dreams and goals beyond your imagination, even if you don't know where to start.

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
The Erica Glessing Show #7008 Feat. Janice Edwards ”Find Your Voice”
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Erica interviews illustrious TV star Janice Edwards on what it takes to find your voice in today's noisy world! Janice teaches authors how to express themselves, and tell their own stories. So beautiful! Enjoy!
For more go to https://thejaniceedwards.com!

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Is there a secret or a lie you told that you held buried deep within, only for it to furrow and cause you more pain than if you just set it free? Join Erica Glessing today with bestselling author Gretchen Hydo, whose new book "Breaking Free from Your Dirty Little Secrets" is launching today!
Get the book here: https://amzn.to/3Z4UfTY
Today's episode was brought to you by astrology tarot reader Anya, and her wonderful youtube channel: https://youtube.com/@anyastarot
You can also discover more of Gretchen's gifts on her YouTube channel:

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
The Erica Glessing Show #7006 Feat. Tihanna Louise ”Leadership”
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
This is the perfect show for you if you've been hiding or afraid to speak your mind. Executive Coach Tihanna Louise shares how to get out of that syndrome of being afraid to be your biggest self. Plus she talks about how much she loves Brooklyn and Oakland! From sea to shining sea.
https://TihannaLouise.com for more!
Today's episode was brought to you by Acorns, an easy way to receive cash back when you go shopping online, and by this website:
Receive a $5 gift when you choose Acorns - from me!

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
The Erica Glessing Show #7005 Feat. Kira Foster ”Giraffes & Other SEO Fun Facts”
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
In this episode, Erica is joyful to interview her SEO mentor, Kira Foster. Kira and Erica talk about love of dogs, giraffes and other four-legged beings before jumping into an SEO for beginners conversation.
Erica caught up with Kira after the show and asked for a little background. So good! If you're interested in SEO services, you can find Kira at https://www.npaccel.com/.
Kira Foster says...
Hi! I'm Kira. I'm currently an Associate SEO Manager with NPAccel. So, how did I get here? I started my SEO career with an internship at a local insurance agency, which was more of a self-learning gig. I then moved on to a small local marketing agency where I grasped the basics of SEO and improved my skill for the year I was there. After being let go for financial reasons due to COVID, I eventually found NPAccel and applied. I was hired on as an SEO specialist and worked my way up from there. Now here I stand. Aside from my passion for my career, I am also an avid animal lover; I have 3 cats and 2 dogs. I love playing video games and hanging out with friends, as well as outdoor activities such as fishing, and swimming, and I dabble a little in gardening. I'm engaged to be married in Sept 2023, and I am just so excited to see where life takes me from here!
Today's episode was sponsored by the new book "Selling Horse Property," find out more here!

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
The Erica Glessing Show #7004 ”A New Day Dawns: Breaking Up with Abuse”
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
For four days from October 24 to October 28, the book "A New Day Dawns: Breaking Up with Abuse" is on special 99 cents and to celebrate, Erica shares the insight behind the book and the inspiration to leave the abusive narcissists in your life behind. Oh! The awakening of this.
Here is the link: https://amzn.to/3s1firy
If you missed it, head back one episode to the interview with Denise Kavaliauskas, an abuse survivor and empowerment coach. So good!
Today's show was brought to you by FlowerFairy.live!

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
The Erica Glessing Show Podcast Episode #7003 Feat. Denise Kavaliauskas ”Power”
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Stand in your own power even if you've been through H E double hockey sticks on this episode of The Erica Glessing Show featuring #1 international bestselling author Denise Kavaliauskas.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
The Erica Glessing Show #7002 Feat. Kimberly A. Cook Esq ”Grown Girl Divorce”
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
In an uplifting and inspirational episode recorded on the day the Supreme Court of the United States new justice Ketanji Brown Jackson took her place, attorney and entrepreneur Kimberly A. Cook Esq. shares insight into divorce and living full out, fearless. Her message works for those of color and everyone who needs to hear "You Got This" on occasion. It gets a little personal as Erica shares what she went through during her divorce, so listen if you dare.
To learn more about Kimberly and her movement, go to GrownGirlDivorce.com.

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
The Erica Glessing Show #7001 Feat. Lisa Jo Jimenez ”She is Me”
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
A born creative, Lisa Jo Jimenez shines in this episode of The Erica Glessing Show. Lisa shares the scoop around her new inspirational and empowering conference "She is Me" plus how she gets into a creative and inspirational space. Let your light shine!! Lisa and Erica riff on getting into the creative zone. You'll love this episode!!

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
The Erica Glessing Show #7000 ”Season 7 Begins with Joyful Exuberance”
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Now that covid is (nearly) over we can use words like Joyful Exuberance again! The Erica Glessing Show was on hiatus and it is back with inspirational guests hand-chosen to bring you insight and delight. So good! If you'd like to shift out of contraction and into expansion, listen each Wednesday as Erica interviews lightbringers from around the globe.
Today's show was brought to you by the Colorado Springs News and Review featuring top celebrities from Colorado Springs!
Here's a brief excerpt from the article:
NFL Pro Lamarr Houston: Excels in Football and Business
Lamarr Houston is a famous NFL pro athlete from Colorado Springs, Colorado who is thriving as an entrepreneur. Born on June 24, 1987, he is best known for his achievements as a football player. Houston played for the University of Texas at Austin as a defensive end before being drafted by the Oakland Raiders in the second round of the 2010 NFL Draft.

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Elevate Everything: Three Steps to Take Today on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5023
When you are ready to uplevel, action is required! Here are some easy ways to get into the zone so you can elevate and change what you've been talking about changing!!!
Here is the show Erica mentions about clearing narcissists: Negotiate Your Best Life
If you would like to start a podcast, check out Erica's program here: https://seoforleadgen.com/podcast-done-with-you

Saturday May 08, 2021
Jessica Riverson ”The Feminine CEO” on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5022
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
Jessica Riverson "The Feminine CEO" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5022
Jessica Riverson joins us this week to reveal her brand new passion -- The Feminine CEO.
Excerpts from her FB page...
The immature and fearful woman, the non-integrated woman is still believing she isn’t good enough or worthy.
She’s believing she has nothing of value to say.. and who would want to listen?
That is some old paradigm shit and you’re already beyond that…except you stay living in the delusion of it…which is why you’re angry and pissed off that life hasn’t yet presented to you something better.
You haven’t demanded it to give you anything different.
This episode was brought to you by The Palo Alto News and Reviews, dedicated to generating community in Palo Alto.

Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
Eleanor Beaton "Clarity Nurtures Phenomenal Success" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5021
If there is a formula for success, Eleanor Beaton owns it. She is gifted, clear, concise and is willing to stand as a Fierce Feminine Leader.
In this episode, learn from the best as she lays out her vision of coaching women entrepreneurs to build 7-figure businesses. So good!
More About Eleanor Beaton
Eleanor Beaton is a women’s leadership mentor and founder of Fierce Feminine Leadership, an organization that helps ambitious women develop the confidence, presence, political savvy and influence they need to smash the glass ceiling and take their seats at the tables where the big deals and big decisions are made. Eleanor is also an award-winning journalist and host of the Fierce Feminine Leadership podcast. She has served as Chair of the Visiting Women's Executive Exchange Program at the Yale School of Management. She currently sits on the boards of Innovacorp and Invest Nova Scotia.
Eleanor Beaton was the winner of the 2018 Nova Scotia Export Achievement Award: Business of Diversity Champion of the Year. In 2017, she won the prestigious Profiles in Diversity "Women Worth Watching" Award for her work promoting diversity and inclusion. She was also named Canada’s Leadership Coach of the Year by the 2017 Corporate Excellence Awards.
Eleanor has been privileged to serve some of the country’s most recognized women leaders, including Arlene Dickinson, star of CBC’s hit show Dragon’s Den and former Canadian First Lady Margaret Trudeau.
An international keynote speaker, Eleanor has presented at conferences whose rosters include such notables as former US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Oscar-nominated actress Taraji P. Henson and 23andMe Inc. co-founder Anne Wojcicki.
More About Erica Glessing
Erica is enamored with Colorado.

Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
Isis Jade "Escape from Sex Slavery to Empowering Millionaires Globally" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5020
Isis Jade shares deep secrets of being drugged into sex slavery that nearly killed her. She is passionate now about helping women entrepreneurs get into healthy relationships with money so they can move forward in their lives, and raises funds for nonprofit organizations to end sex slavery. Beaten, tortured and raped, Isis shares how she gained her sanity and turned the dark nights of her life into a bright light to help others.
More About Isis Jade
Isis Jade believes every woman deserves unleash her Inner Millionairess (unlocking her Goddess Code) so she can thrive and up-level every area of life. She understands, probably better than most, feeling like a victim to life’s circumstances and how victim mentality can detrimentally affect relationships and results. Let’s face it, there’s a lot of “stuff” entangled between feeling safe to be seen, heard, valued, feel worthy of success, have money confidence and love ourselves unconditionally. Escaping after abduction and nearly 6 months of torture and near death, she had a long hard road back to herself. There was no “proven” way to recover from her brain damage, so she had to find my own way to reclaim my life. She forced herself to learn to form coherent sentences, add, subtract, tie her own shoes and regain control of her body to walk, run, and drive a car.
Once she learned and applied specific success strategies, neural reprogramming and committed to taking 100% responsibility for herself, that’s when the miracles began. Then she discovered “The Law of Delight”. That was an amazing experience. Afterwards, she claimed her Mission I’mPossible. Her mission is to help One Million Women Achieve $1 Million or Greater in Net Worth within her lifetime and help end human sex trafficking.
Imagine what could happen if you truly believed you could achieve anything?
(hint: NOTHING is impossible.)
More About Erica Glessing
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive.
For Erica's Transform into Abundance sneak peak go to https://energyclearingforlifeforce.com and grab her three-part video series on clearing the past.

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Elyse Archer ”Branding like a Rock Star” on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5019
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Elyse Archer "Branding like a Rock Star" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5019
The vivacious and inspirational brand maven Elyse Archer joins Erica today for a look into how to build your personal brand, and why it matters.
More About Elyse Archer
More About Erica Glessing
Today's episode was sponsored by Colorado Springs News and Reviews and Laser Hair Removal in Colorado Springs.
Milan Laser Hair Removal in Colorado Springs is featured in the new article about where to go to get it done!

Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Bela Gandhi "Suprising Smart Dating (as a Career) Insights" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5018
The Erica Glessing Show lights up with this delightful smart dating expert sharing how to date during COVID and how she built her business teaching people how to date. Instead of matchmaking (giving people fish) she built the Smart Dating Academy (to teach them how to fish). It is not boring with Bela Gandhi, who also stars regularly on Good Morning America and The Steve Harvey Show as a guest dating expert. Prepare to be entertained! #entrepreneurpodcast #smartdating #BelaGandhi #podcastlife
Today's show was brought to you by this YouTube channel and my friend (real estate she's a boss) Catherine Bassick!

Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Courtney Burrell "Soul Alignment in Life, Business & Bank" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5017
Soulpreneur Courtney Burrell stars in this magical post Covid episode, sharing her journey with ayahuasca, trips into connecting to soul, and bringing that information back into her successful career in business. This is an illuminating and heartwarming episode!
More About Courtney Burrell
You can join her Facebook group "SoulPreneurs Unite" here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/205411047220336/ Courtney is gifted in business and helps entrepreneurs get into soul alignment for better results in life, business and bank!
More About Erica Glessing
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by https://coloradospringsnewsandreviews.com/best-colorado-springs-dog-parks-woof-woof/ and the cute dog Cory:
For a complimentary three-part video series on clearing the past to awaken abundance go to https://EnergyClearingforLife.com.

Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
Donna LaBar "Health Happens, Alkaline Healing & Nutrition" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5016
How is health possible even now? Nutrition healer Donna LaBar shares miraculous stories of recovery and insight into what the body needs to stay healthy today (hint, zinc comes up) so listen and learn from this amazing teacher on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5016.
More About Donna LaBar
Donna LaBar is a speaker, author, teacher and is sought out by many for her ability to sort the complex advice and contradictions about what will get you well and get it down to the most dynamic ways to recover health. Donna has mastered the ability to coach others to transform their health quickly and naturally by boosting the body's natural ability to heal itself. Her own daughter's diagnosis of terminal AML lead her to finding the quickest ways to miraculous healing.
#creativity #creative #alkalinehealing #alkaline #foodhealth #nutritionrocks
More About Erica Glessing
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive.
For your own complimentary 90-keyword strategic SEO guide, go here now! KeywordResearchTools.SEOforLeadgen.com

Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
Elfy Jo "Express Your Inner Music, Art & Joy" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5022
Elfy Jo is in Australia, her family is in China, and her spirit reigns supreme. She shares what it's like to be by herself for the first time in years, and how her creativity is taking off in the time of Covid. Plus how she quickly zoomed her classes for her students, and how you can participate in her art and music extravaganzas.
Head over to https://ElfyJo.com for more inspiration, music, art, live links and more.

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Matt Zinman "Z-isms to Live By" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5021
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Matt Zinman "Z-isms to Live By" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5021
Ever optimistic and bright author Matt Zinman joins Erica today in this conversation about his book, his life's work, and how he stays positive even when life is being unpredictable.
More About Matt Zinman
Matthew Zinman founded the Internship Institute in 2007 to bridge the gap between education and employment with an aim to cultivate prosperity for students, veterans, organizations, communities and the economy overall. He began his own successful career in marketing communications as an intern. Working for some of Philadelphia’s largest public relations agencies and as a consultant to nearly 100 companies, Mr. Zinman also has managed and mentored more than 200 college interns. An experiential learning activist for the past 15 years, he is a frequent lecturer at colleges, universities, professional associations and civic organizations and a published author on a number of related topics. Mr. Zinman earned his bachelor’s degree at Temple University. Find out more: https://www.internshipinstitute.org/

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Cali Gilbert "Creativity in Film, on the Beach, During Covid" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5020
How to get creative during a storm with brilliant filmmaker Cali Gilbert on The Erica Glessing Show. Multi-talented filmmaker, author, photographer and entrepreneur Cali Gilbert has just celebrated the LA premiere of her new film, Invisible, at the iconic TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, as part of the Golden State Film Festival. She also recently published her latest entry into the “It’s Simply…” series, “It’s Simply Filmmaking”, a book about women filmmakers and working in the business.

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Debbie Arambula "Expressing the Heart of an Artist" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5018
This episode focuses on the heart of an artist, and how artist Debbie Arambula's art has awakened the heart all around the globe. Debbie shares how she got inspired as a young child, and how she grew her artist business into a wildly successful business that operates all around the world. It's an exciting interview and Erica Glessing is very blessed to have met Debbie in person, recently. Le couer a sais raisons que le raison ne connait point - Pascal.
More About Debbie Arambula
“Since I was a little girl, I have been intrigued by the unlimited capacity of the human spirit, the power of love, inspiration in music, the simplistic beauty in nature and the spiritual connection of the heart, mind and soul.
Since 1996, Debbie Arambula paintings express a whimsical wanderlust of emotions that elevate the soul and speak to people of all ages and cultures. Famous for her masterful use of color and rhythmic brush strokes, given the title of “Contemporary Master of our Time”, she puts her heart into everything she creates.
Affectionately known as “The Heart Artist”, whether you own one of her heart art pieces, delicate flower paintings or her romantic Italian landscapes, all have one thing in common, color & energy that makes you feel happy.
Humanitarian Artist to the core she lives by her mission “Inspiring the world through happy art” Featured artist in National Community Art Projects such as murals & sculptures her generous donations of art to causes dear to her heart: Hearts in San Francisco Foundation, Hospice of the Valley, Komen LA, City Hall of San Jose and Public Works City of Campbell, City of Morgan Hill, Family’s for a Better Community, American Heart Association, Artists’ for Human Rights, Boulder City Hospital, SF General Hospital, The Way to Happiness Foundation, CCHR’s -Fight for Kids & more.
Through 1000's juried exhibitions in galleries, museums and fine art shows nationwide and public art projects Debbie Arambula has been extensively interviewed by NBC and ABC affiliates in major East & West Coast cities, for her public art projects and humanitarian art donations: KRON TV in San Francisco, Entertainment Magazine, Good Day Sacramento, Good Morning Scottsdale, FOX 5 in Las Vegas, Newstalk 550, and Arizona Radio. Debbie has also been featured in Romantic Homes Magazine- National, San Francisco Chronicle, LA Times, San Jose Mercury News, Campbell Times, Las Vegas Review, Boulder City Registrar, Arizona Foothills. Find out more at https://DebbieArambula.com
More About Erica Glessing
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive and ColoradoSpringsNewsandReviews.com.
PLUS Where Have all the Flowers Gone?

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Susan Guthrie "How to Work from Home Like a Boss" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5015
How Susan Guthrie, Esq. tapped into the power of her podcast to transition to a lifestyle of mediation as a work-from-home lifestyle. Now she teaches attorneys and mediation experts globally how to work remotely 100 percent of the time. Perfect timing!
More About Susan Guthrie, Esq.
Susan Guthrie, nationally recognized as one of the Top Family Law and Mediation Attorneys in the country, has been helping individuals and families navigate separation and divorce for 30 years. Susan provides online divorce mediation and legal coaching services to select clients around the world. As a leading dispute resolution professional, Susan is honored to serve on the Executive Council of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Section of Dispute Resolution as the Membership Officer and to be a Co-Chair of the Mediation Committee. Susan also is one of the leading experts in online mediation and trains other professionals in the practical and ethical considerations of conducting their mediations online through her business Learn to Mediate Online (www.learntomediateonline.com.) After a year and half of co-hosting the award winning podcast, Breaking Free: A Modern Divorce Podcast which has reached over 3 million listeners, Susan recently launched her fresh and inspiring new podcast, The Divorce and Beyond Podcast with Susan Guthrie, Esq. (www.divorceandbeyondpod.com) which debuted on iTunes “Top Podcasts” List for self-help podcasts. Divorce & Beyond is focused on pulling back the curtain on the mysteries of the divorce process and bringing tips and resources to help people to thrive and shine in their new future beyond divorce. Susan has been featured in and on media outlets such as CNBC, Market Watch, Forbes, Eye on Chicago, WGN, the ABA’s Just Resolutions Magazine, Thrive Global, The Nook Online among others. She is licensed to practice law in the States of California and Connecticut as well as before the Supreme Court of the United States. You can follow Susan on social media at: Instagram: @susanguthrieesq Instagram: @divorceandbeyond Twitter: @guthrielaw Twitter: @DivorceBeyond Facebook: Susan Guthrie LinkedIn: Susan Guthrie YouTube: Susan Guthrie and The Divorce Beyond Podcast
More About Erica Glessing
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive.
For your own complimentary 90-keyword strategic SEO guide, go here now! KeywordResearchTools.SEOforLeadgen.com

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Alexandros Megas "Grace & Creativity Under Pressure" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5013
The expansive artist Alexandros Megas, a shamanic practitioner, hypnotherapist and alchemist, shares his gifts and wisdom with Erica on this refreshing interview into how to grow, expand and create no matter what is happening around us.
More About Alexandro Megas
More About Erica Glessing
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive.
For your own complimentary 90-keyword strategic SEO guide, go here now! KeywordResearchTools.SEOforLeadgen.com

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
"Global Healing Meditation to Release Fear, Invoke Wellness, and Dissipate Coronavirus" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5012
In this special guided meditation, we go into self healing first; then collectively vision healing for the planet with special care and love sent to places in the world that are grappling with virus. This is a very kind and self-healing meditation designed to invoke love and clear out the virus. Share if you are moved, let us all raise our voices in healing and love to navigate this time on the planet.
#coronavirus #healing #globalhealing #raiseourvibration #love
More About Erica Glessing
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive.
For your own complimentary 90-keyword strategic SEO guide, go here now! KeywordResearchTools.SEOforLeadgen.com
And if you like puppies, here are 8 cute puppy pics!

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Susan James "Dancing Dragon Magic" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5011
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Susan James "Dancing Dragon Magic" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5011
Dragon whisperer Susan James shares her secrets for talking to dragons. The author of a trio of books on dragons and gifted potter, James weaves pottery, dragon magic and words. Creativity is her birthright! Enjoy this conversation and learn about the magic of dragons!
About Susan Smith James
Meet the Sun Dragon, Smoke Dragon, Day Dragon, Moon Dragon, Night Dragon, Sea Dragon and more on this glorious and inspirational adventure, told with colorful ceramic clay dragon images, playful sketches and exquisite watercolored backgrounds designed to delight your spirt and enrich your senses.
Be transported to another realm where celebrating, educating, dancing and creating community are the order of the day. Dancing Dragon Magic, Dialogues in Clay will light up your life, and your imagination in new and unexpected ways! Come dance with the dragons!
Author and artist, Susan Smith James is an award-winning potter who took time off to raise her two sons and work the family farm with her husband. When her youngest son went off to college, the dragons were tapping her on the shoulder asking her to make pots of them. "I'm my happiest when I have my hands in clay," says Susan. She can be found creating dragons in her studio in Pilesgrove New Jersey.
The Cloud Dragon
"Our offspring are our most important contributions to the planet."
The Day Dragon
"Increase your love with music and song, spread it freely over the entire planet!"
The Smoke Dragon
Duty and honor are important aspects of everyone's soul. Make sure that your actions reflect your spirit."
The River Dragon
"Life can be gentle and quiet, like a flowing stream, or turbulent and fast, like roaring rapids, it is entirely your choice!"
Icthianna, the Merdragon
"Follow the path that sits in your heart, great treasure lies all along the way."
The Ocean Dragon
"Wealth, Power and Possessions mean nothing, unless you use them to support things other than yourself!"
More About Erica Glessing
If you are ready to build your podcast, contact Erica today. EricaGlessing @ gmail.com. Or grab her videos on how to get started! Erica is a lifelong journalist who became a news reporter at age 20. She's never looked back!

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Mary Lee LaBay "Change the Past, Change Everything" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5009
Inspirational, kind and spiritual, MaryLee guides us into how we can change the present and the past with tools beyond those you might have imagined possible. She's a lightbringer of intense magnitude! How lucky Erica is to meet people like MaryLee LaBay and bring them to you!
More About Mary Lee LaBay
Mary Lee LaBay is a Personal and Spiritual Coach, author of 5 books, and Instructor of Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression. She has a long and sustained background in spirituality - beginning in 1967 with astrology and tarot, and continuing over the years with Celtic Shaman-style studies, altered states therapies and past life regression, evolving her career into offering various methods for achieving greater self-awareness and spiritual connection. She has guided thousands of people into their past life memories, soul retrieval, and sacred journeys over the past 30 years, over Zoom or in person in her Bellevue WA office. Visit www.maryleelabay.com.
More About Erica Glessing
Erica podcasts full-time and thrives teaching others how.
For a free video series on how to podcast go here!
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive.
For your own complimentary 90-keyword strategic SEO guide, go here now! KeywordResearchTools.SEOforLeadgen.com

Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Jeff Spahn "Leadership as Collaboration: Simultaneity" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5008
In this episode, creative and forward thinking leader Jeff Spahn takes us through a new form of leadership the world is greatly craving. A new identity of leadership emerges, one that looks different than leadership in the past. How do we get there? Listen in!
More About Jeff Spahn
Since a rapturous team experience at the age of 16 Jeff has been possessed with understanding the dynamics of collective flow, that group experience of being lifted and guided by an energy beyond the sum of the parts resulting in exponential potential. This passion led him into the highest level of college athletics and academic research with an athletic experience and business degree from the University of Michigan and a doctorate from the University of Chicago. Grounded in over 10 years of executive experience, original research, teaching business graduate students and engaging some of the top leaders in business he has envisioned, design and implemented a new yet proven leadership technology called Simultaneity®. This framework and practice draws upon the diverse disciplines and insights of business and philosophy, arts and athletics, science and spirituality. Since founding Leading Leaders Inc. over 20 years ago Jeff has engaged many of the world’s top executives.
Clients include industry leaders Capital Group and Steelcase, among others. Capital Group Companies utilizes The Leading Leaders Practice™ in American Funds Distributers, American Funds Services, and now Capital Bank & Trust Co. Steelcase purchased the intellectual property of Leading Leaders Inc. for their top executive online learning module entitled “Leading Diverse Thinkers.” Other clients include Accenture, Motorola Inc., ServiceMaster, FMC Corp., Encova Insurance, Ohio Public Employment Retirement System (OPERS), and Northern Trust. Board memberships have included The Chicago Moving Company, a modern dance enterprise; Omnia Leadership Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to developing urban leaders; and the University of Michigan Ross School of Business Alumni Club of Chicago. Current boards include the startup Prodigii, a new breed of equity firm. One current project includes starting A CEO Education Network at the beckoning of a former CEO client.
Go here for more: https://www.leadingleadersinc.com/
More About Erica Glessing
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive.
For your own complimentary 90-keyword strategic SEO guide, go here now! KeywordResearchTools.SEOforLeadgen.com

Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Paula Lenz "Near Death Experience Takes Me to Heaven" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5007
In one of Erica Glessing's most intensive interviews, the beautiful Paula Lenz takes listeners back into her near death experience. She shares how she left her body to follow her brother into heaven, and the sense of peace that prevailed. She did not want to return but her brother gently nudged her and said "It is not your time." Some decades later she writes about the experience, and in this podcast interview, she will take you there if you're willing to stretch your boundaries and experience the love, peace and claircognizance. Fascinating!
More About Paula Lenz
Paula's life changed when her brother crossed over. She followed him to the other side and brings back stories in her book "Driving Into Infinity: Living With My Brother’s Spirit". Paula Lenz holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Sam Houston State University. Her career of more than 40 years includes high school English teacher, Partner in woman-owned business, National Manager for worldwide engineering firm, and Executive Director for a major Houston association. Paula was a featured speaker at the 2018 International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) Conference regarding her unusual out-of- body experience with her brother Don. She has been interviewed on numerous podcast shows, such as “Exploring Death with Lisa Jones”.
More About Erica Glessing
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive.
For your own complimentary 90-keyword strategic SEO guide, go here now! KeywordResearchTools.SEOforLeadgen.com

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Don Bendell & Dr. Janet Bendell "Cowboys Are Real Men" on The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5006
Erica has a lot of fun with authors Don Bendell and his wife, Dr. Janet Bendell in this fresh new episode of The Erica Glessing Show. The spirit of the cowboy takes center stage. Don's written more than 30 cowboy books, and knows more about cowboy hats than almost anyone. Janet writes about finding love! It's entertaining, indeed. You can find the Bendells' new book "Real Men Are Cowboys & Women Love Them" on Amazon and bookstores everywhere. Note: Erica Glessing's publishing company provided guidance for the Bendells throughout the publishing process. How does it get any better than that!
More About Erica Glessing
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive.
For your own complimentary 90-keyword strategic SEO guide, go here now! KeywordResearchTools.SEOforLeadgen.com

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Lisa Murray "When Creativity Doesn't Have to Fix Anything" The Erica Glessing Show Podcast #5005
More About Erica Glessing
SEO geek Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Discover your zone of genius. Glessing is a #1 bestselling author 33X over, and built her company, SEO for Lead Gen, out of the desire to help entrepreneurs and small businesses be seen for their work in the world. With a strategic mindset, an easy laugh, and a creativity that meets geek sensibility, Glessing grew her podcasts to more than 100,000 downloads in 2020 alone and continues to build search engine optimization strategies for companies and influencers globally. “Global and local omnipresence requires discipline, commitment, and creativity,” says Glessing. She was originally an award-winning journalist, writing over 5000 articles for California newspapers before she built SEO for Lead Gen. Glessing is an Italian mom of three loud teens, a Corgi Aussi, and two very fat happy kitties. She lives in Northern California. You can find her:
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive.
For your own complimentary 90-keyword strategic SEO guide, go here now! KeywordResearchTools.SEOforLeadgen.com